Topsoil & Turf

Topsoil is the darker, outermost layer of soil, usually the top 2 - 5 Inches. It is crucial to choose the correct soil when laying any lawn. We have many ranges of soil in stock ready for your garden. Our PROBlend Range is of the highest quality, packed with premium nutrients in order to help your garden through the coldest of winters and thrive through the hot summers! Follow these easy steps for a perfect Soil & Lawn Combination:-
1. Move the PRO Blend topsoil into medium/large piles along the perimeter of your proposed lawn area.
2. We recommend you use a strong wide-toothed rake or even a shovel would suffice, in order to maneuver the PRO Blend topsoil across the area, at approx depth of 4-6 Inches.
3. Place a ruler down into the layer of topsoil until you reach the bottom to ensure that it is between 4 and 6 inches thick. Add or reduce amount of topsoil accordingly.
4. Rake the top layer of topsoil until all is even. This will produce best results.
5. Rent or purchase a lawn roller at a home improvement store and place the roller at one end of the area. Push the roller over the topsoil once to firm it up.
6. Use our Hard Wearing Turf, and lay across the flattened area.
7. Knit all turf into place and water adequately.